- Adday Hernández
- Omayra Herrero
- Estrella Samba
- Diego Solís
- Jesús Téllez
- Amina Naciri
- Ana Tendero
- Rachid El Hour
Maribel Fierro
La otredad africana desde una perspectiva histórica. Los antecedentes del colonialismo español y los efectos de las prácticas coloniales españolas en Marruecos y Guinea Ecuatorial
org. by Yolanda Aixelá. Panel sobre “Herencias medievales y modernas en la construcción de las otredades norteafricanas y subsaharianas”. Institució Milá i Fontanals-CSIC. Barcelona.
Contacts with Jews and Jewish influences according to the Arabic sources written in al-Andalus
Einstein Summer School. The Transmission of ideas between religious communities in the Medieval world of Islam. Freie Universität Berlin.
Studies of knowledge in Eurasia and Africa: Issues of methodology and future perspectives
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.
The Prophets of monotheism in al-Andalus
The Holberg Symposium (Bergen). Ancient religions, modern dissent.
Politics and headgear
27 Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants (UEAI 27). Helsinki.
27 Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants (UEAI 27). Helsinki.
Fatawa compilations and legal codification: the case of the Islamic West (8th-15th centuries)
New Approaches to World Islamic and Middle East Studies, Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University.