The control of knowledge in Islamic societies

monographic section in Al-Qantara 35/1 (2014), pp. 127-309. Includes M. Fierro, “Introduction”; S. Kaddouri, “Dissimulation des opinions politiques sous contrôle: le cas d’Ibn Ḥazm à Séville ; G. Mandalá, “Political martyrdom and religious censorship in Islamic Sicily: a case study during the age of Ibrāhīm II (261-289/875-902)”; M. Balda-Tillier, “The forbidden passion: the martyrdom of love and its censorship”; Ch. Melchert, ‘The destruction of books among early traditionists”; M. Lecker, “Censorship in the biography of the Prophet Muhammad”; D. Ephrat, “Control of the path. Some observations on the Sufi dynamic in the earlier middle period”; S. Brentjes, “Sanctioning and contesting knowledge”.